The 3D Public Space

Urban Renewal Project in Ramat Gan

The increasing phenomenon of over-crowding cities forces architects to create efficient and creative housing solutions that optimize land use. One of them, reflected in the project below, is the design of efficiently and compactly built buildings known as “mixed-use”. The Jabotinsky project, also known as “The three-dimensional public space”, is constructed under the supervision of Ramat- Gan municipality and accordingly to Hagafen and Nachalat HaGanim neighborhood master plan. It provides an effective proposal to deal with this complex problem. It contains a mix-uses from the ground floor up to the 7th floor, including housing, lofts, a school, kindergartens, daycare centers, and offices connected through a spatial garden that contains a system of escalators and public elevators. This construction configuration doubles and even triples the utilization of the lot since the mix of uses also takes full advantage of the height dimension. The tower system allows for the economic feasibility of the project. In addition, the project advocates green construction: its roofs will function as a small green ecosystem. Flowers will be grown on top of the roof, attracting bees, creating a prosperous green hub.

The project is done in collaboration with Ramat-Gan municipality, Enav Real Estate Ltd., and with the help of the talented and dedicated architect team at  Tel-Aviv’s office branch.